What Is EFT?

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques. It is also now known as “tapping” or “EFT Tapping” and falls under the umbrella term of “meridian tapping”.
What is EFT Tapping?
EFT Tapping is a powerful and effective way to dramatically improve your life by stimulating the body's energy meridian points with your fingers. It can relieve emotions such as anxiety, fear, anger, sadness and guilt, as well as negative beliefs, unwanted behaviours and many physical symptoms. I personally find it the quickest way of reducing stress I’ve ever found.
It is also used to create greater physical and mental wellbeing, and to achieve goals, improve performance and enjoy success in all areas of life.
As a form of psychological acupressure, it uses the same energy meridians first mapped by the Chinese over 5,000 years ago. Meridians are electrical pathways which move our life force or ‘qi’ through our bodies. Physical or emotional traumas, thoughts and memories can cause obstructions or imbalances in the flow, which create negative emotions or physical pain.
EFT Tapping corrects imbalances with physical tapping on meridian points, verbal affirmations and mindful concentration on the troubling issues and emotions. This stimulation has an effect on the midbrain, especially the amygdala, calming down the flight, fight, freeze response to stressful situations and restoring balance. It does this remarkably quickly.
What is Tapping and how do you do it?
Using your fingertips, (instead of needles), you physically tap on meridian points located on your face and body while focussing on the specific issue you wish to resolve. There is a very easy to follow protocol for doing this.
Practicing the tapping technique produces deceptively easy results which can be used as a part of your self care tool kit. However, do be sure to consult a practitioner if need be, especially if you have suffered any form of serious trauma. It’s not a good idea to tackle that on your own and EFT Tapping is not a substitute for medical care and treatment.
Is there any proof EFT Tapping works?
When I first started tapping about 30 years ago I just knew first hand that it produced results for me and all my clients. However, there are an ever increasing number of research studies – in fact over 100 scientific papers have been published with many in the pipeline.
This research, which has included brain scans taken before and after EFT was used, has shown many specific health benefits. Some of these include lowered cortisol levels, decreased pain, anxiety, depression and PTSD symptoms, decreased food cravings, together with increased immune system function and higher levels of mental wellbeing.
Powerful reasons to choose EFT Tapping

It is safe, gentle, non-invasive, chemical-free and works in harmony with other healing modalities including medications.
Research demonstrates it gives numerous health benefits.
You don’t have to believe in it for it to work! Many people experience amazing results after just one session.
It creates cognitive shifts, brings new insights and creates optimism
EFT Tapping improves emotional health, which is the foundation for personal growth and success.
It is flexible enough to use for daily stress relief and powerful enough to heal long term, deep-seated trauma.
It has been used all over the world to assist people suffering the trauma which comes from being involved in natural disasters, shootings, genocide and war.
EFT Tapping can be used by anyone, from small children to the elderly. No matter your age, gender, race, culture or religion, it helps you feel better about yourself.
While EFT Tapping can be used in complex ways it doesn’t have to be, and if someone can’t tap for themselves (such as young children, sick or disabled people) it can still be used to help them.
Outcomes often exceed what can be achieved through conventional medical methods. Be prepared to be surprised.
EFT Tapping enhances your performance and helps you achieve goals. It can be used not only to solve problems but also to create more happiness, joy and abundance in your life.
Key benefits of Tapping
Way to improve wellbeing and mental health
Relieve Anxiety
Gain clarity with your intentions
Understand your pain points better
Boost self-love and self-development
Overcome stress and remain calm
Become empowered and inspired
Conquer your fears
Become physically healthier
Live a more abundant life
Try EFT with total peace of mind

You can experience the profound benefits of Emotional Freedom Techniques today with the reassurance of my 100% money-back guarantee on your first consultation. If you don’t feel you have been helped, the cost will be refunded in full.
Even if tapping seems a bit new or strange to you at first, in as little as one session you can achieve instant and long-lasting relief from fears, negative emotions and physical symptoms, to enjoy improved health, happiness and success.
You have to experience the powerful results yourself to understand why so many people are welcoming EFT Tapping into their lives.