Careers and Business


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Perhaps you relate to one of these main reasons people seek my help in this area.

  • Feeling stressed out.

  • Feeling stuck in a rut or stuck in your job.

  • Experiencing difficulty with an aspect of work relationships.

  • Feeling under immense pressure to perform.

  • Wanting to transition into a new job or create your own business.

  • Feeling stuck in your career.

Careers And Business EFT tapping for business success

Being employed has never been easy but it can seem that there are more challenges, pitfalls and pressures than ever before, whether it’s trying to get the kids to school or day care in the morning, being overwhelmed by the amount of work, dealing with internal politics, difficult colleagues or demanding bosses, or feeling you’re not up to the task.

It may seem that the external situation can’t be changed – that’s just how it is at work – so there is a helplessness or powerlessness.  However you can reclaim your power in these situations by dealing with the emotional charge that is being created and changing the way you respond.

“I would describe myself as a high performing professional and I have a senior and responsible role. However internally I struggle with self-doubt, fear and vulnerability about not being good enough. I also struggle when I am not true to my values and I am challenged by difficult work environments and aggressive people. Leadership and corporate culture can be lonely. Working with someone who can provide guidance and support has helped me enormously in my work…… the tapping helps me to release and process these feelings, especially the fear and pain.”

While talking can help with insights and changing perspective, EFT Tapping works at a somatic (body) level, and EFT tapping for business success has proven results. Tapping calms the stress reactions in the amygdala in the midbrain straight away.  This leads to the many symptoms of stress abating and higher levels of career success.

“I was a high performing, award-winning medical recruitment specialist until I developed serious insomnia and anxiety.  This led to symptoms of fatigue, memory loss, irritability, brain fog, an overall personality shift and under achievement at work……… After our first session and over the course of a week my body began to feel less stressed and I was less anxious at bed time, which was a huge win for me. After the second session I began to sleep and by three sessions I felt my spirit had returned.

…… Daily activities are no longer too hard to cope with, I have started contributing at work once more and friends and colleagues comment that I am back to being my bubbly self.”

I also support my clients by teaching them new skill sets – for instance, how to better set boundaries so they feel empowered to stand up for their own needs.

A word about burnout – this is a very real phenomena which can creep up on you and you can be so “in it” you don’t realise. I sometimes see people who have reached this point of feeling exhausted, drained, unable to cope, unmotivated and this is one of those times when putting a label to something can actually help. Know that there is a way out, even if it doesn’t feel like there is, so it’s important you seek help.

My clients may feel empowered to stay in their current position but in a radically new way, or after releasing their limiting beliefs and emotions, decide to leave and land a job that really serves them, or start their own business.  I coach people on a different approach to looking for new work, how they show up in interviews and also support them through transition.  It’s very exciting to witness their journeys. (See also Change and Transition).

“The session with you really was powerful in helping me shift my ruminating and self-doubt.  I approached the interview with confidence and deeply feel OK if I'm not appointed as I know the organisation isn't the right fit for me.”


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What I’ve decided after 30 years running my own business is that running your own business is like going on the biggest personal development workshop you could think of! It challenges you in all the ways you expected and lots of ways you didn’t.

I’ve worked with many small business owners on what I call the inner game of business.  Instead of looking at marketing plans, websites, social media, sales strategies, cash flow etc. I look at how your core beliefs, especially around money, value and receiving are influencing your success or otherwise. The conditioning you received as a child, the experiences you had and the identity you formed can explain why you may feel frustrated that you’re not doing as well in your business as you think you could be.

When this is all untangled it can enable you to be more visible, increase your prices/income, make that important sales call, run with a great opportunity, allow your creativity emerge - as well as putting an end to the scourge of procrastination!

One of my clients increased his income 10 fold over a couple of years, one opened up a sales funnel that wasn’t working in only one week, one sent out invoices that more accurately reflected her value and started having money in the bank, one was able to start making sales calls.

“I had difficulty picking up the phone to make any form of call.  The problem wasn’t restricted to sales calls and follow up calls.  I even had difficulty making a call to check someone’s name and address.  This was paralysing for my business.....and I believe the financial cost has been substantial in lost business opportunities.  Since having a few consultations with Margaret, I have had a huge release of energy and have made hundreds of call.  I now have no difficulty picking up the phone and calling anyone at all”.

It can also be very helpful to have a neutral person on your side.

"Through my sessions with Margaret I received incredibly valuable insights that friends and family are just too close to see or share. These insights have assisted me in making major decisions in my business and in my life."

What is it you want to achieve in your business or career that you feel stuck with?  I’d love to give you a hand so please get in touch and let me know.