Fears and Phobias

EFT Tapping for Fear

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Fears & Phobia EFT Tapping NSW

Fear can hold you back from the life you want – fear of failure, fear of success, fear of public speaking, fear of being rejected, fear of being inadequate or not enough.  I think this latter fear is endemic and the one I work with most – both with myself and with other people – and it may be affecting your life more than you think.

Beliefs around not being enough come from your childhood conditioning and experiences and can be deeply embedded. You usually need to go back and release where these beliefs about yourself came from – it can be immensely freeing. EFT Tapping, Faster EFT and Matrix Reimprinting all make a very effective contribution to this. You can start to show up in your relationships and in life generally in a very different way when you feel confident in yourself.

I also find that a lot of fear comes from a basic lack of safety stemming from growing up in an environment which was inherently unsafe – mentally, emotionally or physically. I do a lot of tapping around safety and helping people to set boundaries which lead to them feeling safe.

Love, acceptance and compassion are all potent antidotes to fear and so growing the expression of these qualities is a big focus of my work.

EFT Tapping for Phobias

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Sometimes fear intensifies around a particular focus – we call that a phobia.

Common phobias include fear of snakes, spiders, mice, heights, needles, flying, enclosed space (claustrophobia) or going outside (agoraphobia), but I’ve worked with many other phobias such as a fear of frogs and a fear of bridges. Phobias are notoriously difficult to treat, but EFT Tapping delivers strong improvements – often lessening fear in as little as one session.  I also think it is a much kinder way to work than with exposure therapy on its own.

“I was excited, yet really scared of the challenge of the Bridge Climb of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. I am not good with heights, have a history of “freaking out” in high exposed places and was terrified I wouldn’t be able to tackle those narrow walkways and ladders that lead onto and off the wider main ark of the bridge. After tapping with Margaret I was able to complete the Bridge Climb with a confidence and enjoyment that surprised me.”

People with phobias often don’t want to address them.  It’s just too scary to even think about doing that.  But you can use tapping to ease the fear of addressing the phobia in the first place, and even the fear of being without the phobia because it is protecting you in some way. Tapping for fears and phobias is powerfully effective because it works right at the seat of the flight/fight response in the amygdala and calms that response down rapidly.

You may not need as much courage as you think to set yourself free so please get in touch.

I've been working with Margaret for a number of years on medical phobias amongst other things. I recently had to have all my wisdom teeth extracted. We worked on the entire process from walking into the waiting room to getting a cannula in my arm. I had the most amazing experience the day of surgery, I felt none of my usual terror and uncontrollable crying on the day, I was able to stay calm and relaxed, an experience I've never had before any type of medical procedure! It was totally amazing, I was blown away.

Thank you, Margaret, for all your wisdom, care and support in the lead up to surgery. I love Tapping and there is nothing it can't help with and I'm continuing to work on other areas I need help with.