There are many turning points in our lives – more so now than ever before.
We no longer enter the workforce and leave from the same job 35 years down the track, nor do most people only have one relationship.
And technological advancements are affecting our lives at a speed which is often overwhelming and sometimes difficult to even comprehend, let along keep up with.
You may navigate various changes without too much difficulty but you may feel you could really use some help at some point.
Here are some possible situations that you may encounter:
Leaving a relationship with all the complexities and emotional upset that can involve.
Entering a new relationship.
Wanting to make a career change or career transition
Feeling discontent in any current situation but not knowing how to change it.
Dealing with a change in circumstance after an accident or illness.
Returning to work after an absence.
Forming a new life after the children have left home.
Retiring from work and seeking new meaning and purpose in your life.
Knowing that you want to do something different but not knowing what it is.
EFT Tapping for Change

We all resist change at many points in our lives whether we want to or not. You may get scared of life changes as you are set in your ways and used to how things are.
You may find it really hard to muster up either the courage or the clarity to move forward. Fear and indecision can keep you paralysed and stop you from taking positive action. You may feel threatened and uncomfortable and have a battle going on between your head and your heart.
Leaving our comfort zones to create change can be daunting, however tapping for change can help clear this.
During challenging times such as these I can help you to clear the issues, doubts, uncertainty, anxiety, indecision, past experiences and emotional upsets that hold you back, so you can start to see a way forward with a new idea of what is possible for you.
“I am coming to realise that now I am rid of the debilitating, unfounded fears that dogged me for half my life, the world really could be my oyster.”
I love seeing people gaining clarity over their sense of direction and taking concrete steps in navigating through a new way of being in life in which they can fully express themselves. I tend to think you either implode or expand. Having once imploded myself I’m really into expansion!
“I feel I am creating a new life for myself, one that is authentically mine, not built on the pressures and desires of others”.
I’d be happy to support you through whatever period of change you are going through and to give you invaluable tools to help you tap for change, make the transition with greater ease and get to where you want to be.