EFT Tapping for Peak Performance

Sport: Use EFT Tapping instead of steroids! The use of sports psychologists speaks of the mental/emotional component of excelling at sport. EFT can be used for both the physical aspects, including dealing with pain or injuries, as well as the mental aspects – the challenges of maintaining focus, self-confidence, “choking” and “the yips”.
You can get the edge in any sport you play by utilising tapping to help you clear all the obstacles to your success. You can also install a positive mindset and use the tapping together with visualisation and affirmations, and to get into “The Zone” - the NBA in the US has only recently discovered this! I have worked particularly in the fields of professional and amateur golf, but also cricket, football and dragon boat racing.
Actors, musicians, presenters, public speakers or performers of any kind: There are several main areas I can assist with:
Overcoming performance anxiety. Tapping is invaluable in this area because it decreases the circulating levels of the stress hormones and thus limits the various symptoms which stem from the stress response such as a tight throat or shaking. Just as it’s helped me in public speaking and training, it can really assist you to manage your body state in a much better way.
Changing the “inner critic” which can wreak havoc on any creative or presenting endeavour, so you become your own internal supportive best friend instead.
Overcoming creative obstacles such as “writer’s block” (I know what that is like, having published 2 books as well as countless articles) so you can despatch frustration and despair, and express yourself fully instead.
Chasing down all the fears and doubts that can emerge – “I won’t hit the high note”, “I’ll make a mistake and everyone will notice”.
Allowing confidence, motivation, inspiration and passion to emerge from within. This is where you are able to access what is longing to be expressed and gift it to the world.
"I run my own business and being able to do presentations to both clients and prospective clients is essential. I didn’t have any difficulty with the technical side of the presentation – I’m articulate and good at what I do - but, despite trying a number of approaches including meditation, hypnosis and public speaking training I was still terrified of giving presentations or even talking to a group of people. Acute anxiety in the form of a panic attack gave me heart palpitations and I had to endure this anxiety not only during, but before any speaking situation was imminent.
….. As I’ve cleared out the fear I felt as a child, my anxiety as an adult has fallen away, which is enabling me to bring a standard of excellence to my life generally as well as making speaking in public thoroughly enjoyable. It feels as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I feel empowered to create new ventures having a sense that anything is possible. And my new ventures are going to involve lots of public speaking which I’m really looking forward to!"
It’s always a joy to support people in being able to more fully express themselves and make a difference in the world. Please get in touch if you are ready to utilise your untapped potential.
You can also download my beautifully illustrated free e-book “60 Tips for Living An Extraordinary Life” here.